A very relaxing massage, promoting a deep level of circulation throughout the body with a type of volcanic stone that retains heat.
A hot stone massage is best for people who have muscle pain and tension or who simply want to relax. This type of therapeutic massage is similar to a Swedish massage, only the massage therapist uses heated stones (heat to a temperature of 55-60 degrees Celsius) in lieu of or in addition to their hands. It eases muscle tension, improves blood flow, and relieves pain by using heated stones.
A hot stone massage may help:
- Ease muscle tension
- Improve blood flow
- Alleviate pain
- Promote relaxation
- Relieve stress
During a hot stone massage, heated stones are placed on different areas of your whole body. Your therapist may hold a stone as they massage different parts of your body using Swedish massage techniques using gentle pressure.
Sometimes cold stones are also used.
Contact Sarah if you have any questions about hot stone massage, or click below to make a booking.