Tailored to suit the individual, this massage will be performed by lying on one’s side and then finally upon the back to ensure the client’s comfort is always met.
A prenatal massage can be a safe way for women to get a massage during pregnancy. It can help reduce pregnancy body aches, reduce stress, and ease muscle tension. You can get a massage at any time during your pregnancy. However, we do not offer massages for women in their first trimester due the risk of miscarriage during this time.
Prenatal massage used mild pressure like a Swedish massage. The therapist will focus on areas such as your lower back, hips, and legs.
The feet and face are included; however, it can be omitted due to personal preference.
If you have had pain in your calves or other parts of your leg, see a doctor before you have a massage.
The massage will last for 60-9o minutes depending upon the individual’s preference at the time of booking.